Tuesday 3 December 2013

Freebie Hunt (Part 1)

I came across some blog that offers freebie or free gifts in SL and find it interesting so I decided to hunt. It was pretty good for me who am not a premium member. Know why? First of all premium membership is so pricey, I can’t afford to pay for it annually but there’s other way thru PayPal or Credit card which I don’t have any of those. Second  I don’t have any linden $ at this moment ,  for me to earn some L$ I need to camp at Blossoms or answer Trivia Question at Soul Sensations which I’m not good at because I still need to Google the Q&A  and most of the resident there are familiar with the questions already so they can answer it quickly like thunder. :). 

this outfit are all FREE :)

Winter Day Sweatshirt by Wolf and I
Wool Leggings by Lavanda Chic
Winter Shoe by Odelitte 
Sims at Blossoms 

enjoy the pics :)

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